Join our Lucky for Life Society and help us secure future funding for our programs.
Your compassion and support will mean a warm bed, food, veterinarian care, training and a loving home for an animal in need. Remember every dollar counts and no donation is too small.
Your trusted professionals, including financial planners and attorneys, can assist you in naming ALIVE Rescue as part of your estate plan.
Bequest Language
"I give to ALIVE Rescue, an Illinois corporation with its principal offices at xx, the sum of $x (all or ___% of my residual estate) to be used for its general purposes."
Important Info About ALIVE Rescue
ALIVE Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) registered non-profit
ALIVE Rescue’s tax identification number: 26-2230952
ALIVE Rescue’s legal address: PO BOX 39111, Chicago, IL 60639
1. Name ALIVE Rescue as a specific bequest beneficiary
States a specific property, percentage, or dollar amount that is to be distributed to ALIVE Rescue. “I give, devise, and bequeath _____ to ALIVE Rescue, address, to be used for its general purposes.”
2. Name ALIVE Rescue as a residuary beneficiary
States that you leave the residue of your estate, meaning all assets after other specific gifts, expenses and taxes have been paid. “All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate shall be distributed to ALIVE Rescue, address, to be used for its general purposes.”
3. Name ALIVE Rescue as a contingent beneficiary
Provides that if your named beneficiary does not survive you, that a portion of your estate will be distributed to ALIVE Rescue. “If (insert beneficiary name) does not survive me, I give, devise and bequeath the residue of my estate to ALIVE Rescue, address, for its general purposes.”
4. Name ALIVE Rescue as the beneficiary on your life insurance, retirement plans and/or annuities
Work with your trusted professionals to fill out beneficiary designations naming ALIVE Rescue on life insurance, IRAs, or 401(k)s. Did you know that retirement assets (including IRAs) that are left to charities are not subject to estate or income tax? Your estate can benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction for your gift.